Friday 31 May 2013

Insan yang bernama ibu

Aku cukup geram dengan orang yang xreti nak hargai ibu.aku mengaku aku merupakan salah sorang dpd golongang ak benci diri aku.theres no other person who knows better than your mom.i truly say this.when she's not around i feel like something is missing.and when she's around,you'll never learn to appreciate her.malah dok order dia suroh buat ni buat nu macam orang gaji.kalau silap sikit nak marah.she's a human being.a special human being for god one can replace her.nobody can take over her job not even you father!!i despise myself sometimes.ya Allah.kau kurniakanlah umi aku tempat dalam golongan2 orang yang beriman.kau lindungilah dia daripada segala kejahatan.Astaghfirullah haladzim.IBU adalah kurniaan Allah yang terbesar yang tiada sapa pon boleh menggantikan tempatnya.I LOVE YOU shaa Allah one day you will be granted something that is worth for.i cannot repay you.i really can' are my life.THANK YOU.for those people out there please i beg you appreciate your mom while there's still life in her body.we don't want to face the regret in our life later.I seek forgiveness from Allah and I'm still seeking the truth.


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